Acupuncture and herbs are both an integral part of Chinese Medicine practice, which may help patients to manage a range of symptoms including pain, stress and fatigue. Chinese Medicine is generally considered safe but occasionally ( as with all health treatments) may be associated with possible adverse reactions in individual cases.
At Bodycraft, patients may be treated using one or more modalities in order to achieve the best outcome. Techniques include : Acupuncture, Gua Sha, Moxibustion, Cupping, Electro Acupuncture, Low Level Laser Therapy, Herbal Medicine or Remedial Massage. Often a combination will be used. Rhonwen LOVES to demonstrate and explain her techniques, so please feel free to ask!
Bodycraft is committed to your health and wellbeing. Our treatment is always thorough, caring and individualised to meet your unique healthcare needs. Preventive medicine is the best medicine, so even if you don’t have a diagnosed medical condition we will support you to achieve your health goals by addressing fatigue, stress, insomnia, weight gain and other symptoms that often plague our busy lives.
To book a consultation or find out more about our natural medicine (we always love to talk about what we do) contact Bodycraft today CONTACT
HICAPS and health insurance rebates available for eligible patients.
CAUTION Please note, if you are currently receiving western medical care for any condition please do not stop your treatment. The best approach often combines both western and Chinese medicine. Also, if you suspect you may have a serious medical condition please seek western medical advice ASAP.